
Over 2000 copies of His Blizzard Bride was downloaded from Amazon during it’s giveaway! So thrilled. Thanks to everyone who promoted and recommended and shared.

Hearts and flowers to you all.

His Blizzard Bride Trivia

Did you know?
The opening scene of His Blizzard Bride was inspired by a true story. My grandfather used to raise chickens and when my mom and her siblings were children, they had an outhouse….and a rooster. Mom tells a delightful story about racing that mean old rooster to the outhouse on a daily basis.

Romancing the Superstition Mountains

Posting a link to a 3-part story on the Superstition Mountains. Why the interest in the Superstitions, you ask. Well, just finished a fantastic tale, Murphy’s Law, set in the wilderness. My mum and dad were stationed in Chandler AZ eons ago. Dad loved all the stories of the Lost Dutchman Mine and passed along his love of the history to me.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m especially lucky to have found the love of my life. We will be celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary next weekend. Wow. Can it be 12 years already? I won’t say I still feel like a newlywed, but having found love late in life, I’m cherishing every moment of it. However, it’s not always sunshine and roses. If I’ve learned one thing from life and writing, is that love isn’t for the feint of heart. Relationships are hard, take a lot of work to sustain and grow, but are soooo worth it. So, if love comes your way, give it a chance.


Elbow deep in redlines

Finished researching my work-in-progress, Murphy’s Law, years ago. I’m deep in the midst of editing it for submission and thought everyone might like some links to one of the most beautiful spots on Earth. The Superstition Mountain wilderness — where Murphy’s Law is set. So, over the next few weeks, stay tuned for interesting trivia, snippets from the book, and other random thoughts.

First up, the Superstition Mountain Museum. Enjoy!

Getting Ready for Super Sunday

Prepping for Super Bowl Sunday. Yes, we are in it for the commercials, not the game. Also, we haul out all our emergency gear and supplies and make sure everything is up to date while we snack through the afternoon. What’s on the menu? Hmmmm, smoky links, nachos, chili, and my Midwestern favorite, Ruffles potato chips and French onion dip. I’m hungry already….